Ia writer ipad
Ia writer ipad

Syncing the other direction by adding documents to my writer folder and then updating my iPad, was unsuccessful. After entering my information, everything from my iPad automatically showed up in a folder called “Writer.” You can also opt into linking to Dropbox with a simple username and password queue that pops up below the saved documents. When you’re ready to call it quits with a document everything you’ve been working on automatically saves in a folder on the upper right hand corner of the app. It still might prove difficult to type an entire novel on an iPad, but if you’re going to use the iPad keyboard for word processing then this is the keyboard to use. There’s also a set of buttons that let you either scroll left and right letter by letter or from word to word. This row improves on the regular keyboard by including commonly used punctuation marks (dash, semicolon, parenthesis, apostrophe, etc). IA Writer also benefits from “keyboard extensions,” an in app keyboard design that adds an extra row of buttons at the top of the iPad’s default keyboard. Everything else is blurred out, leaving you with a text centric setting that eliminates spell checker, options, and everything else that might distract a writer in typical word processors. The benefit this button creates is called Focus Mode, and it’s a setting that displays only the three most recent lines of text. This button will send you straight into focus mode by scrolling through the document immediately to the cursor and locking on that location. The only other feature in iA Writer is a lock on the upper right hand corner. Everything else is minimalistic, with features that start and end with a reading and writing time approximation meters, a copy or email text button, a plus sign for creating new documents, and a Dropbox Sync button that lives in the folder where your documents are displayed. Created and optimized specifically for the iPad, the font is meant to encourage thorough reading and ease of use. Unlike most other apps where you can choose between every option and variety, iA Writer makes minimalism a certain kind of science.įor starters, iA Writer employs a monospaced font called Nitti Light. The word processing app is streamlined in every way possible, creating the kind of focused environment you might just need to become the next Poe, Bronte, or Fitzgerald. Your desk on the day that you buy it, the homes in Dwell magazine, and now, iA Writer for the iPad.

ia writer ipad

There are few things in our modern world that feel uncluttered.

ia writer ipad

Price: $4.99 Score: 8/10 Category: Productivity

Ia writer ipad